InSexBase: an annotated genomic resource of sex chromosomes and sex-biased genes in insects

Database (Oxford) 2022-02-01


Sex determination and the regulation of sexual dimorphism are among the most fascinating topics in modern biology. As the most species-rich group of sexually reproducing organisms on Earth, insects have multiple sex determination systems. Though sex chromosomes and sex-biased genes are well-studied in dozens of insects, their gene sequences are scattered in various databases. Moreover, a shortage of annotation hinders the deep mining of these data. Here, we collected the chromosome-level sex...


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X I Chen, Yang Mei, Mengyao Chen, Dong Jing, Yumin He, Feiling Liu, Kang He, Fei Li

Date tagged:

02/01/2022, 03:55

Date published:

01/28/2021, 06:00