Towards data-driven electricity management: multi-region uniform data and knowledge graph

wikidata 2025-01-24

Sci Data. 2025 Jan 9;12(1):38. doi: 10.1038/s41597-024-04310-z.


Due to growing population and technological advances, global electricity consumption is increasing. Although CO2 emissions are projected to plateau or slightly decrease by 2025 due to the adoption of clean energy sources, they are still not decreasing enough to mitigate climate change. The residential sector makes up 25% of global electricity consumption and has potential to improve efficiency and reduce CO2 footprint without sacrificing comfort. However, a lack of uniform consumption data at the household level spanning multiple regions hinders large-scale studies and robust multi-region model development. This paper introduces a multi-region dataset compiled from publicly available sources and presented in a uniform format. This data enables machine learning tasks such as disaggregation, demand forecasting, appliance ON/OFF classification, etc. Furthermore, we develop an RDF knowledge graph that characterizes the electricity consumption of the households and contextualizes it with household-related properties enabling semantic queries and interoperability with other open knowledge bases like Wikidata and DBpedia. This structured data can be utilized to inform various stakeholders towards data-driven policy and business development.

PMID:39789029 | PMC:PMC11718234 | DOI:10.1038/s41597-024-04310-z