F1000 to help launch open access publishing platform for South African researchers | Editage Insights

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2017-11-18


"On 15 November, the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) announced that it would launch an open access publishing platform called AAS Open Research early next year. This would be created with assistance from the London publisher F1000 and would be the first platform to adopt open peer review. AAS Open Research is aimed exclusively at South African researchers, and apart from articles, will also publish research protocols, data sets, and codes. The new platform is based on the F1000Research model of publishing. Therefore, the submitted content is set to be published within a few days of submission, and will be reviewed after publication. Along with the post-publication reviews, the names of the reviewers and authors will also be displayed."



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Date tagged:

11/18/2017, 18:51

Date published:

11/18/2017, 13:51