Digital Imaging Manager | Jobs (Getty Trust)

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2018-08-30


"As a senior member of the Getty Digital Imaging Department, the Getty Digital Imaging Manager will act as one of two managers in the department, specifically supporting the Getty Research Institute.  In this roll, the candidate provides expertise in the areas of digital capture hardware and software, embedded metadata, and digitization techniques and workflows, while maintaining rigorous adherence to current and developing international standards. The Getty Digital Imaging Manager will work closely with the Imaging and Digital Media Architect to ensure increased accessibility to the Getty’s vast digital media collections.

Working with their Museum counterpart, the Getty Digital Imaging Manager will ensure that all imaging workflows are working optimally to support the deployment systems developed by and for the Getty. Leveraging the complementary responsibilities between the two positions will promote consistency in media production and workflow schemes, more fully showcasing the Getty’s assets and abilities."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks

Tags: oa.usa

Date tagged:

08/30/2018, 16:41

Date published:

08/30/2018, 12:41