Coko announces one-year contract with NCBI : Collaborative Knowledge Foundation

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2020-03-28


"Coko has received a one-year contract from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a center within the US National Library of Medicine, to build a content management system to support its Bookshelf resource. Bookshelf, which provides free online access to books and documents in the life sciences and in healthcare, is in need of a new content management system because its existing CMS is built on Microsoft Silverlight, which will no longer be supported by Microsoft after October 2021. For this reason, NCBI reached out to Coko for some help conceptualizing and building a new, open source content management system to support Bookshelf...."


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Tags: oa.floss oa.funding oa.platforms oa.infrastructure oa.medicine oa.books oa.usa oa.platforms oa.ncbi oa.medicine oa.infrastructure oa.funding oa.floss oa.coko oa.books oa.biology

Date tagged:

03/28/2020, 10:25

Date published:

03/28/2020, 06:25