NGLP Technical Development Directions and Request for Participation | Educopia Institute

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2020-12-02


"Following more than a year of research and engagement with library publishers, the Next Gen Library Publishing (NGLP) project is pleased to announce its technical development directions. We are now commissioning the build of two components: a cross-content web delivery/discovery platform and a cross-platform administrative dashboard for journal publishing. These elements will be designed to help bridge journal publishing platforms (e.g., Open Journal Systems, Janeway) and repository platforms (e.g.,  DSpace). All of our work will be released with open source licenses, and we will be working directly with at least three service providers that plan to provide hosted publishing services based in part on this development work: California Digital Library, Longleaf Services, Inc., and LYRASIS.  We hope to continue building strong partnerships with library publishers throughout this development phase, and we invite participation and feedback from all practitioners in library publishing and campus-based publishing efforts. Please sign up to participate. ..."


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Tags: oa.libpub oa.libraries oa.publishing oa.platforms oa.floss oa.publishing oa.platforms oa.nglp oa.libraries oa.libpub oa.infrastructure oa.floss

Date tagged:

12/02/2020, 10:47

Date published:

12/02/2020, 05:47