Africa and Latin America agree to closer collaboration around open science - africaconnect3

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2021-04-13


"Today, LA ReferenciaRedCLARA and the three African regional research and education networks – ASRENWACREN and UbuntuNet Alliance – signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalize their relationship as the two continents seek to ramp up their open science activities. The aim of the collaboration is to advance open science policies, services and infrastructure that reflect the unique needs and conditions of each continent within a framework of international cooperation....

The MoU provides a framework for ongoing information sharing between the African Research & Education Networks (RENs), through the LIBSENSE Initiative and LA Referencia / RedCLARA, and the potential adoption of the LA Referencia open source discovery software in Africa. The collaboration is being fostered by COAR, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories, and with support from the pan-European GÉANT networkOpenAIRE and the EU co-funded AfricaConnect3 project...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.coar oa.latin_america oa.repositories oa.policies oa.infrastructure oa.open_science oa.collaboration oa.south

Date tagged:

04/13/2021, 08:16

Date published:

04/13/2021, 04:16