Call for Proposals – Open Education Global Conference 2022 | closes: 28 February

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-02-20


"We invite proposals for contributions to the OEGlobal 2022 in-person Congress in Nantes, France. The in-person Congress builds upon the Online Conference that took place between 27 September-1 October 2021. OEGlobal 2022 will comprise of plenaries, thematic sessions, and learning labs. Rooms will also be available for group meetings and promotional events.  We welcome submissions and presentations in any of the six official languages of the United Nations – Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish....

Thematic sessions provide opportunities for focused debates on different topics which are perceived pertinent by the global open education community.  Eight thematic sessions have been identified in order  to address some of the more urgent issues in Open Education today: 1. Libraries and Librarians, 2. Frontier Technologies, 3. Open Education Research, 4. Publishers and EdTech Providers – Open Education Friend or Foe?, 5. Open Education: The Role of Students, 6. Combining different Opens: Access, Science, Data, Resources, 7. Pathways to Opening Up Education, and 8. Open Education for Primary/ Secondary/K-12 Sectors...."


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02/20/2022, 14:02

Date published:

02/20/2022, 09:02