Data Reuse Days 2022, March 14-24, 2022 | Wikidata Events

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-03-18


The Data Reuse Days are a series of gatherings taking place from March 14th to 24th, 2022, focusing on Wikidata data reuse and reusers. With presentations, discussions, editing sprints and more, the main goal of this event is to provide a space to bring together anyone interested in the topic of re-using Wikidata’s data. This means for example:

  • to gather people who reuse Wikidata’s data (on products, apps, websites, research, etc.) in order to understand better what they are building and what their needs and wishes regarding Wikidata’s data and technical infrastructure are
  • to bring together data reusers and data editors to talk about issues, wishes and common efforts, so each group can hear the other’s point of view on things to improve (data quality, ontologies, etc.)
  • to onboard developers who want to build applications on top of Wikidata’s data, as well as editors from other Wikimedia projects

How to participate?

This initiative is open to everyone who's interested in reusing Wikidata's data. As a first step, you can add yourself to the list of participants. On this page, you will find an overview of the schedule and resources to get started. You're welcome to join any session that you find interesting. This initiative is coordinated by Lea Lacroix (WMDE) but its content is community-powered: if you want to organize a session, work on a project, help with documentation, you're very welcome to add it to the schedule (instructions TBD).



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » flavoursofopenscience's bookmarks

Tags: oa.reuse oa.wikidata

Date tagged:

03/18/2022, 06:51

Date published:

03/18/2022, 02:51