The Fiesole Retreat 2022: The role of the library | Thinking about Digital Publishing
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-04-19
"...The afternoon of Wednesday was about open-access agreements, and we heard about a bewildering complexity of diverse types of deals between libraries and publishers. Was there a consensus? Only that what are called transformative models are not in the least transformative. Wilhelm Widmark described the situation in Sweden as “a new distance model”, and demanded that publishers be more transparent about their cost models. One alternative is the “diamond OA model”, by which neither the reader nor the author are charged to publish. This model is used by smaller-scale publishers, typically with fewer than five journals in their portfolio. Survival seems to be the order of the day. Many of the small publishers contacted by Pierre Mounier for his study (available as an “Action Plan” from Science Europe) could not confirm their legal ownership documents, and 31% couldn’t even say if they were profitable or not. Nonetheless, it is good to see these models surviving, if not prospering; the question remains how sustainable they might be. In the lively Q&A following this talk, Stephen Rhind-Tutt suggested the best way to get transparency from the publishers was to look at their P&L. That will tell you if the prices they charge are reasonable...."