Charters and principles in scholarly communication | FORCE11 Scholarly Commons Working Group
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-04-23
Charters and principles in scholarly communication (compiled by the FORCE11 Scholarly Commons Working Group).
- Helsinki Declaration
- Free Software Definition
- Bermuda principles
- Open Source Definition
- Budapest Open Access Initiative
- Berlin Declaration
- Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing
- Fort Lauderdale data sharing gentleman's agreement
- UPSIDE principles on data and materials
- OKF Open Definition
- Salvador Declaration on Open Access
- A National Open Access Policy for Developing Countries
- Brussels Declaration (publishers)
- OECD Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding
- The Cape Town Open Education Declaration
- Guerilla Open Access Manifesto
- GEOSS Data Sharing Principles
- Is scientific publishing about to be disrupted?
- Students' Statement on the Right to Research
- Altmetrics manifesto
- Consort statement on trials
- Panton Principles
- Public domain manifesto
- Force11 Manifesto
- Budapest OAI10 recommendations
- Denton Declaration
- San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
- Scientific Utopia: I. Opening Scientific Communication
- The Cost of Knowledge
- G8 Open Data Charter
- Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled
- Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing
- Science Code Manifesto
- Why science does not work as it should and what to do about it
- Data seal of approval requirements
- Force11 Joint Declaration on Data Citation Principles
- Independent Peer Review Manifesto
- JONAS (Journals of nature and science)
- Open Science Peer Review Oath
- Sparc/PLOS How open is it (new edition)
- Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines
- Annotating all Knowledge
- Commitment to research transparency
- Cooperative principles
- European open science cloud for research - position paper
- F1000 Guide to Open Access Publishing
- FAIR data principles
- Favorisons la libre diffusion de la culture et des savoirs
- How Open is Your Research? A Checklist for Institutions
- Infrastructure document (crowdsourced)
- Leiden Manifesto for research metrics
- LERU statement “Moving forward on Open Access”
- Making Open Science a Reality
- Manilla Declaration on the availability and use of health research information
- OA2020
- Open data accord: open data in a big data world
- Open Scientific Standard (OSS)
- Peer Reviewers Openness initiative
- Principles for Open Scholarly Infrastructures
- Prisma-P statement for systematic reviews
- RCUK Concordat on Open Research Data
- Scholarly publication for the network generation
- Science Ecosystem 2.0: how will change occur?
- Science Europe Principles on Open Access publisher services
- Science International - (draft) Accord on Open Data
- Study on Open Science - EU Commisssion
- Ten principles of citizen science
- The Academic Manifesto: From an Occupied to a Public University
- The Hague declaration on Knowledge Creation in the Digital Age
- The role of openness and publishers in reproducible research
- TOP Guidelines
- Voluntary principles for article sharing on scholarly collaboration networks
- What should a modern scientific infrastructure look like
- Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science
- Dakar Declaration on Open Science in Africa
- DART framework "What is open"
- Engineering Academic Software: Manifesto from Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 16252
- European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures
- Joint COAR-UNESCO Statement on Open Access
- Linked Research
- Manifesto on academic software
- Sarajevo Declaration on Integrity and Visibility of Scholarly Publications
- Statement on data sharing in public health emergencies
- Vienna Principles
- Bratislava declaration of young researchers
- Bullied into bad science - The Letter
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) declaration
- Fair Open Access principles
- GOSH Global open hardware
- Joint Statement of Principles
- Jussieu Call for Open science and bibliodiversity
- LIBER Principles for negotiations with publishers
- Mallorca declaration on Open Science (RISE)
- Munyonyo Declaration on Health Communications
- Next gen repositories
- Open and collaborative science manifesto
- Principles of the Scholarly Common
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