Scholarly Communication Assessment Forum | April 2022 | Sacramento State University, US

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-05-06


Summary: "In 2019, Sacramento State University and San Jose State University were awarded an IMLS National Forum grant to assess scholarly communication programs at M1 Carnegie classified public institutions. With new technologies and paradigms for creating and sharing work, scholars across all fields have seen changes in research output, dissemination and preservation of the scholarly record, emergent publishing models, and the measurement of scholarly impact. Libraries have broadly defined their efforts to address these concerns as "scholarly communication" services. During the past two decades, academic libraries have begun to further invest in scholarly communication through the allocation of staffing and resources and even establishing institutional repositories. However, quantifying the actual outcome or impact of these scholarly communication activities remains elusive, beyond output measures such as simple counts of consultations, workshop attendance, or by repository downloads or growth. This grant, the "Scholarly Communication Assessment Forum," or "SCAF", investigated best practices and made recommendations for better tracking academic libraries' engagement in supporting the research lifecycle."


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Tags: oa.imls oa.usa oa.repositories oa.scholcomm oa.libraries

Date tagged:

05/06/2022, 15:38

Date published:

05/06/2022, 10:22