Future of Scholarly Publishing: Three Trends to Be Ready For | September 15, 2022 | Event Registration | Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP)

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-08-11


"The Future of Scholarly Publishing: Three Trends to Be Ready For -- September 15, 2022 11 AM – 12 PM ET. What will the future of scholarly publishing look like? In this webinar, industry leaders will tell us what they see as the top three challenges we all need to prepare for. Should we focus on addressing the growing suspicion of science, shrinking funding for universities, critiques of the value of peer review, or the industry's trend toward market consolidation? Or something else? Join us for a peek at the future and thoughts on how to get ready...."



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Date tagged:

08/11/2022, 06:36

Date published:

08/11/2022, 02:36