Plenary: Recombinant Scholarly Publishing: Challenges, Trends, and Emerging Strategies - Science Editor | July 2022

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-08-15


"1. The Age of Syndication Has Begun... 2. Large-Scale Approaches to Infrastructure Are Maturing... 3. The Business Models for Open Access Are Solidifying... 4. Scientific Openness is Receding From its Global Peak... 5. Trust in Science Is Eroding... 6. The Scholarly Record Is Fragmenting... 7. A Different Type of Merger Has Come to Characterize the Industry..."  

"2. Large-Scale Approaches to Infrastructure Are Maturing

Noting that content syndication is a smaller part of the larger-scale industry infrastructures being developed, Hinchliffe observed that infrastructures are maturing among for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises. Regarding the former, she cited STM Solutions,2 a next-generation collaborative that was established in response to the seemingly exponential appearance of multiple tool-based collaboratives, such as CrossRef and ORCID. In the not-for-profit domain, Invest in Open Infrastructure recently issued a White Paper that attempts to define infrastructure,3 The Knowledge Exchange recently released a report on alternative publishing platforms,4 and the library platform group from The Educopia Institute is investigating how not-for-profit organizations can compete with scholarly publishing preprint services...."         


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Date tagged:

08/15/2022, 10:23

Date published:

08/15/2022, 06:23