job: Product Manager, PREreview | Code for Science & Society | August 2022
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-08-19
"...You will lead our team in developing a more robust and integrated infrastructure that can better support community engagement and growth, easy third-party site integration, and long-term sustainability within the context of a rapidly-evolving ecosystem. You will be managing the product development and design, working across teams at the intersection between technology, design, partnership and community engagement. You will be working closely with the PREreview development team, the community engagement lead, as well as the PREreview leadership team, particularly the Director. You will also interact on a weekly basis with development, product and community teams at eLife and Sciety, managing our collaboration and ensuring clear and effective communication across teams. Our primary target audience are researchers who belong to groups that have been traditionally marginalized and excluded from conducting scholarly peer review. You will engage with our users, as well as our key partners and stakeholders to ensure the PREreview platform continues to reflect the needs of the communities we strive to serve...."
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