IOI Funders Summit 2022 | Invest in Open Infrastructure | October 31-November 4
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-10-05
"Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) is hosting its first Funders Summit, happening October 31-November 4, 2022. This invite-only event will occur online, and is open to those involved in the financing and resourcing of open infrastructure. Over the course of the week, participants will work with IOI to help shape the pilot of a collective funding mechanism for open infrastructure. You will: Discuss funding trends in open infrastructure; Explore collective funding mechanisms and their feasibilities; and Work together with other participants to shape a first iteration of a collective funding mechanism for open infrastructure....The programme is designed for us to work together, through reflection and discussions, to shape the pilot for a collective funding mechanism for open infrastructure. IOI will lead in committing $100,000 USD to this pilot. We are seeking additional co-investment and commitment from partners who would like to join us in investing in the open infrastructure necessary for research to thrive. Interested in learning more? Email us at contribute [at] investinopen [dot] org. If you're interested in joining us, please email contact [at] investinopen [dot] org for an invitation...."
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