Wikidata:Tenth Birthday | October 2022.
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-10-13
"Wikidata went live on 29 October 2012 ; in 2022, we are celebrating 10 years of Wikidata together! Let's organize celebration events all around the world. We are hoping to create a huge network of decentralized, local and community-led events, that could take place onsite or online, around October 2022. The goal of these birthday celebrations are to celebrate the achievements of the community, to bring people together, and also to talk about Wikidata to the rest of the world in order to get more people onboard. In various areas of the world, people get together to organize plenty of different birthday events: meetups, workshops, discussions, live streams, editing campaigns... You can have a look at the events calendar below to find events in your area...."
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