Readings for Open Access Week 2022 · Peter Suber | October 2022
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-10-20
"Open Access Week 2022 is coming up, October 24-30. This year’s theme is Open for Climate Justice. I hope you'll find good moments to talk with colleagues about OA. To me, that's the main purpose of OA Week. If you can't talk every week with colleagues about OA, then use OA Week as an excuse. Before the pandemic, you could talk from a stage, your office, their office, a hallway, sidewalk, or café table. Now use Zoom or your favorite Zoom alternative. The effectiveness matters more than the setting, and informal personal settings are almost always more effective than formal impersonal ones. Make the case in a way that your colleagues will understand, which you understand because you're their colleague. Lead with direct conversation, not readings. Take advantage of the give and take of conversation. Show that you can answer your colleagues’ actual concerns. Show that you can answer the frequently heard questions, objections, and misunderstandings that might come up along the way. Help your colleagues understand that there's a serious problem and a beautiful solution...."