Identifying the needs of African Open Access publishing communities | Nov 15, 2022

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-11-28


"This article documents a series of meetings designed to identify the needs of African Open Access publishing communities and stakeholders. We also present some raw outcomes and briefly outline the next steps after a 2-year pause due to COVID disruptions. ... Next Steps: WACREN has taken these discussions forward in the pan-African LIBSENSE initiative to build a coalition and look for funding and support to establish an African-owned service provision that addresses the needs identified under the asserted principles.  The series has also led to further collaboration between WACREN and Coko to pilot trials of the open-source Kotahi scholarly publishing platform, adapted to include some of the features identified in the meetings within an African-owned-and-operated context and exploited for its support of divergent workflow pathways. The ultimate goal is to promote bibliodiversity with interoperable and decentralised publishing infrastructure governed by the African community. The coalition welcomes like-minded parties interested in ensuring that accessibility, affordability and adaptability are kept at the centre of the dialogue to ensure that the African research and education community continues to contribute to the global quest to open research for the betterment of humanity." Oaiya, O., Kuchma, I., & Hyde, A. (2022). Identifying the needs of African Open Access publishing communities. Commonplace.


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11/28/2022, 03:37

Date published:

11/27/2022, 22:37