Stockholm University's publishing platform | recording of September 2022 interviews with developers

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-12-13


"Soon Stockholm University is to launch its own publishing platform where researchers can publish articles with open peer review and with an open license. A pilot of the platform will be released during Open Access Week 2022, where 50 researchers affiliated with Stockholm University will participate and try the tool for a few months, before it is made available to others as well. Interviewed in this video clip is Wilhelm Widmark, Senior Advisor to the President with operational responsibility for Open Science at Stockholm University, and Abeni Wickham, founder of SciFree and developer of the platform. The interview was originally published in the staff web cast Panorama in September 2022, led by Stefan Nyman at the Communication Team at Stockholm University...."


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Tags: oa.swedish oa.platforms oa.hei oa.universities oa.publishing oa.sweden

Date tagged:

12/13/2022, 15:03

Date published:

12/13/2022, 10:03