Program: Academic Publishing in Europe conference | 10 & 11 January 2023, Berlin

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-01-12


"Out with the old, In with the new! Almost 20 years after the ‘Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities’: APE 2023 calls for action. Since 2004 a lot of progress has been made in Open Access, but in spite of the DEALS and a fast-growing number of transformative agreements, we are still far from a world with unlimited exchange of information. We need fewer barriers and better technology for equitable access and sustainable preservation. The multi-platform approach is hard to navigate through for researchers, librarians and information specialists. Are we prepared for the global flip? Trust, peer review, research integrity and existing technology that might bring us closer to solutions are not yet fully integrated in today’s workflows. In our (mostly) open world, creating, distributing and consuming information has never been easier..."


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Date tagged:

01/12/2023, 09:39

Date published:

01/12/2023, 04:39