2023 Library Publishing Forum Updates: Registration, Program, Keynotes, and Social Events | Library Publishing Coalition

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-03


"The Library Publishing Forum (May 8–11, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. ETD) is virtual this year! Here are the latest updates on registration, program, and keynotes. Register now! The registration fee is a super affordable $25 USD for the whole Forum. However, we do not want cost to be a barrier to participation for anyone, so a waived-fee ticket option is also available for those who need it. ...Full session descriptions are linked on the website and will also be available on our Sched site to registered attendees. ...Opening and closing keynotes for the conference will focus on ethical issues in the library publishing environment. Our two speakers are Dorothea Salo,  Deborah Poff..."



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Date tagged:

04/03/2023, 05:23

Date published:

04/03/2023, 01:23