Identificadores Persistentes (PIDs) y la Ciencia Abierta en América Latina | 18 April 2023, Buenos Aires

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-17


Google translate: "DataCite, ORCID and ROR are pleased to invite the Latin American research community to participate in an event entirely dedicated to persistent identifiers and open science in the region. Aimed at research directors and managers, librarians and technical staff, in this meeting we will talk about the benefits of persistent identifiers and how their adoption contributes to open science and a more open and robust research ecosystem. Use cases from Argentine and international institutions will be presented and there will be ample space for discussion and networking. Registration is free but places are limited..."


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oa.spanish oa.pids oa.orcid oa.latin_america oa.argentina oa.south

Date tagged:

04/17/2023, 07:23

Date published:

04/17/2023, 03:23