Piloto de Financiamiento Colectivo: el diseño de una convocatoria de financiamiento | Invest in Open Infrastructure | Apr 21, 2023
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-04-26
English translation: "At our Funders Summit last year, we started our collective funding pilot with the goal to experiment with and learn from building a more collective, open and transparent funding process, in which we serve real community needs through centring the voices of those who are most impacted by/under-represented in funding decision-making.
We are now launching a design survey for this next phase of the pilot. We would like to invite everyone, particularly those voices mentioned above, to fill in the survey to help inform how this funding will be distributed. The survey is also an opportunity for anyone to express interest in joining the advisory panels for the funding calls that we aim to launch in mid-May...."
https://investinopen.org/blog/piloto-de-financiamiento-colectivo-el-diseno-de-una-convocatoria-de-financiamiento/From feeds:
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