Call for poster lightning talk proposals for the 2023 OASPA Online Conference | submit by June 26, 2023

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-06-07


"The OASPA annual conference brings the open access community together to discuss new developments and innovations in scholarly publishing, and unite in our shared goal to enable research around the world to be openly accessible. The 2023 online conference will encourage participants to work towards making equitable open scholarship a reality and will address many timely and fundamental topics relating to open scholarly communication.

The conference will take place online from 19 -21 September 2023 to ensure wide participation and the opportunity to welcome everyone for collective reflection on our endeavours to ensure scholarship is open and accessible to all.

The Program Committee now invites organisations and individuals to submit a proposal to us for ‘Poster Lightning Talk’ presentations. These are short talks showcasing new projects, ideas or initiatives accompanied by a poster (guidelines will be provided)...."


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Date tagged:

06/07/2023, 15:16

Date published:

06/07/2023, 11:16