The presidents of Canada's federal research granting agencies announce a review of the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications | 4 July 2023
ioi_ab's bookmarks 2023-07-06
"Canada's federal research granting agencies – the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ("the agencies") – are announcing a review of the Tri-Agency Open Access (OA) Policy on Publications ("OA Policy"), with the goal of requiring that any peer-reviewed journal publications arising from agency-supported research be freely available, without subscription or fee, at the time of publication. The renewed OA Policy will be released by the end of 2025. The agencies are committed to increasing the dissemination of research results and accelerating knowledge mobilization by ensuring peer-reviewed articles resulting from agency-funded research are freely and immediately available...."
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