OA-Interviews: Tobias Steiner (Thoth Open Metadata) über Trends und Lösungen für Open Access-Bücher. - Open Access Brandenburg
VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2024-04-18
Blog post from the Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg (Germany) about our work with the open access community in the state of Brandenburg shows, there is a great need to make the funding and infrastructure for open access books more sustainable. At last year's Open Access Days, Tobias Steiner won the prize for best design for his poster "Thoth Open Metadata Management and Distribution Service for OA Books". At the latest, this attracted enormous attention to his Thoth Open Metadata project. Reason enough for us to find out what's behind it.
04/17/2024, 23:37From feeds:
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