OA-News: Bericht zum Workshop "Open Access Monitoring auf Landesebene" vom 14.03.2024 - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2024-06-28


Blog post from the Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg  (Germany) about a joint workshop organised by the three state initiatives Open Access Büro Berlin (OABB), openaccess.nrw  and us as the Brandenburg Open Access Vernetzungs und Kompetenzstelle (VuK) on the objectives, challenges and opportunities of a state-specific monitoring in relation to the federal state  of Open Access and, in particular, publication activities. Today the report on the event was published today in the Open Access Blog Berlin.  



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Ben Kaden

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Date tagged:

06/28/2024, 03:07

Date published:

06/27/2024, 23:07