Kritische Betrachtungen der Auswirkungen von DEAL auf die Bibliotheken - TIB AV-Portal

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2022-05-11


An event in the series: Quo vadis open science? A virtual Open Access Week Berlin-Brandenburg The DEAL project has made a decisive contribution to the Open Access transformation of recent years, and libraries can now look back on a wealth of experience in dealing with the DEAL contracts. As we near the end of the third year of DEAL, it is time to look at what has been achieved as well as the impact of DEAL contracts on libraries. The four presenters will provide insight into the challenges for the practical implementation of the DEAL contracts in their institutions. The following aspects, among others, will be illuminated: - What new tasks arise in connection with the administration of DEAL contracts, and what does this mean for staff*? - To what extent do the material and personnel resources spent on DEAL compete with the resources available for other OA activities (e.g., operation of publication infrastructures, implementation of the "green road")? - What financial challenges do institutions with stronger publication activities face? What role do internal resources (reallocation, university budget, university contracts) and external funding opportunities (DFG) play? - Do the different interests of the stakeholders (publishers, scientists, libraries) influence the OA transformation? - Have the OA transformation contracts already contributed to the cultural change towards a culture of openness in science and research?




05/11/2022, 03:28

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks


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Jürgen Christof, Jenny Delasalle, Claus Dalchow, Karin Ilg, Sebastian Nix, Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger

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Date tagged:

05/11/2022, 07:28

Date published:

12/07/2021, 02:28