Quo vadis Offene Wissenschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg: Let’s talk! Nr.4 - Open Access und wissenschaftliche Karrieren - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2022-11-01


On the Thursday of this year's Open Access Week, the series of workshop discussions Quo vadis Open Science in Berlin and Brandenburg takes a look at Open Access from the perspective of a scientist, in this case specifically the political scientist Dr. Félix Krawatzek from the Center for Eastern European and International Studies (ZOIS) in an interview with Katrin Hoffmann from the Berlin Working Group on Information (BAK). The direct occasion is the positioning of the German Research Foundation from spring 2022 in its statement "Scientific Publishing as a Basis and Shaping Field of Science Assessment". In addition, we will discuss Open Access for young researchers in political science, Open Access and science evaluation in Oxford, the British scientific culture and the role of public impact, the importance of preprints for the reception practice in research, research data publications, and a wide range of other aspects. 

Video recording: https://doi.org/10.5446/59361




11/01/2022, 03:56

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Ben Kaden


Félix Krawatzek, Katrin Hoffmann

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CC BY 4.0

Date tagged:

11/01/2022, 07:56

Date published:

10/27/2022, 03:56