OA-Takeaways: Open Access in der Ausbildung an der Fachhochschule Potsdam - Open Access Brandenburg

VuK_OA_BB's bookmarks 2023-01-01


A look at the practice shows: Open Access has to be learned. This is more complicated than one might initially suspect. Open Access and the other areas of openness are constantly evolving, so professionals in this field have to deal with the requirement of literally lifelong learning anyway. We know from our conversations with the community that for many, that is precisely the appeal.

It is therefore all the more important that open access and openness are also appropriately acknowledged in the training structures. This is the only way to ensure the best possible start to a career and at the same time to counteract the shortage of specialists that is also noticeable in the library sector.




01/01/2023, 02:55

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Ben Kaden

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Date tagged:

01/01/2023, 07:55

Date published:

12/13/2022, 02:55