Open Data For Social Impact Framework

ioi_emmy's bookmarks 2022-03-31


"...Put another way, just having access to data and technology does not magically create value and improve outcomes. Making the most of open data and data collaboration requires thinking about how an organization’s leadership can commit to making data useful towards its mission, defining the questions it wants to answer with data, identifying the skills its team needs to use data, and determining how best to develop and establish trust among collaborators and communities served to derive more insight and benefit from data."

"Create a good governance framework to ensure that both data opportunities and data risks are addressed. Make sure your governance policy ensures transparency among stakeholders, inclusivity among community members, and fosters enablement, so they understand why gathering and using open data is in their best interest."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_emmy's bookmarks


data policies recommendations culture benefits impact implementation

Date tagged:

03/31/2022, 05:24

Date published:

03/31/2022, 01:24