EXPLORE: the need for an open classification system
Items tagged with oa.infrastructure in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-04-03
"Make Data Count (MDC) is a scholarly change initiative, made up of researchers and open infrastructure experts, building and advocating for evidence-based open data metrics. Throughout MDC’s tenure, various areas key to the development of research data assessment metrics have been identified. Please join a Spring seminar and discussion series centered around priority work areas, adjacent initiatives to learn from, and steps that can be taken immediately to drive diverse research communities towards assessment and reward for open data.
The second webinar titled “EXPLORE: the need for an open classification system” will deal with the issue that most datasets do not have subject information. However, meaningful data metrics cannot be developed without disciplinary contexts; the scholarly communications community needs an open classification system for research outputs (articles, journals, datasets etc.) - is this feasible? ..."
https://datacite.zoom.us/webinar/register/3616469917960/WN_Vs3UsbaXRG6zPxEIjC89YQFrom feeds:
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