Ivy+ Text Data Mining Education for Advocacy (TEA) Task Force Phase One Report: Actions and Interventions to Address Concerns with Text Data Mining Platforms
Items tagged with oa.infrastructure in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-15
"The Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) Digital Scholarship Affinity Group assembled the Text Data Mining Education for Advocacy (TEA) Task Force to develop shared, open, and accessible educational materials to improve researchers’ literacy on the current influx of third party vendor Text Data Mining (TDM) platforms. This task force was specifically entrusted to examine use and limitations related to the “closedness” of each platform and the direct and collateral effects of the monetization of data on these systems for transparency, collaboration, cross-platforming, and publishing. This report offers constructive criticism of the opaque box, all-or-nothing approach that vendors are taking in order to offer information to support researchers, openness, and equity. Over the course of six months, this task force produced a literature review to examine the current discourse on these emerging platforms, as well as prototype user profiles to clarify researcher needs and evaluate whether the platforms actually meet those needs. This report reflects the results of those efforts to identify exciting new opportunities for assessing emerging TDM platforms...."
https://stacks.stanford.edu/file/druid:vq890vh9350/TEA%20Task%20Force%20Phase%201%20Final%20Report.pdfFrom feeds:
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