Alternative Publishing Platforms

Items tagged with oa.infrastructure in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-03-16


"In 2022, Knowledge Exchange started the project of exploring what Alternative Publishing Platforms do and how they can be placed in the open scholarly communication ecosystem. In order to help guide conversations, we first published a Knowledge Exchange (KE) scoping paper. The next step is to identify and better understand the individual platforms. This call for entries is open to any platform working in open access publishing / communication who wishes to be included in The Knowledge Exchange taxonomy of Alternative Publishing Platforms. With the data thus collected, a landscape analysis will be produced and made public by September 2023 together with a toolkit enabling to manipulate and showcase the data. In the mid-term, the plan is also to reproduce this analysis in two years time in order to gain a better understanding of the dynamics at play in the field of scientific publishing platforms. The application form is not personal – it should be filled on behalf of the entity operating the platform. Information provided in the application will be used to decide inclusion in the taxonomy, and for research purposes. Personal information (name, role, email address, etc.) about the respondent will be treated as confidential and will only be used to verify that the respondent is entitled to give answers on behalf the platform, and to inform the respondent about the progress of the project and announcing project results. Participation is voluntary. The respondent is entitled to ask that part, or all, of the answers given for the application be deleted."


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oa.knowledge_exchange oa.infrastructure publishing platforms

Date tagged:

03/16/2023, 14:40

Date published:

03/16/2023, 10:40