Panorama de las infraestructuras comunes de comunicación académica | Universo Abierto, abril 26, 2023
Items tagged with oa.infrastructure in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-01
Google translate: Abstract: "Scholarly communication is a complicated industry, with numerous players and multiple mechanisms for communicating and reviewing materials created in an increasing variety of formats by researchers from around the world. In turn, the researcher who intends to use the products of this system wants to discover, access, and use relevant and reliable materials with as little effort as possible. The task of making this complex sector efficient and, at the same time, bringing its many aspects together seamlessly for the reader (or, increasingly, for a computer user) is supported by an infrastructure, much of it shared by multiple publishers. . In this landscape review, we aim to provide a high-level overview of the shared infrastructure that underpins scholarly communication. The purpose of this landscape review is to provide an overview of the shared infrastructure that we intend to examine in a larger project on the strategic context that has driven and will continue to drive the development of this infrastructure. This project will include a needs analysis of which parts of the shared scholarly communication infrastructure are working well and which can be improved, culminating in recommendations on where additional or revised collective action and community investment is indicated."
Rieger, Oya Y., and Roger C. Schonfeld. « Common Scholarly Communication Infrastructure Landscape Review. » Ithaka S+R. Ithaka S+R. 24 April 2023. Web. 26 April 2023.
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