Working Group on Open Science Infrastructures, 2 March 2023 | summary | UNESCO Digital Library
Items tagged with oa.infrastructure in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-03
"...Summary of the Discussions: The online meeting brought together over 80 participants from 35 countries. All the regions were represented with attendees from universities; research institutes; cultural associations; education institutes and education initiatives; citizen science experts; National Academies of Science; associations of universities; librarians; open science and open education initiatives; research funders; open access publishers; private sector science services; intergovernmental organizations; Permanent Delegations to UNESCO; and UNESCO Category 2 Center and UNESCO Chairs.
The key messages can be summarized as follows:
With the Working Group, UNESCO has prepared an index of thematic open science infrastructures supporting sharing of knowledge and information in UNESCO’s science priority areas.
The Group identified the following key issues to consider when developing open science infrastructures: adequate and sustainable funding; cost recovery, commercialization and integration of the views of the private sector; coordination and communication among actors seeking to create, use and sustainably support open science infrastructures.
Equity in access to the digital tools, skills needed for engagement of different open science actors and multilingualism were identified as key prerequisites for meaningful engagement and dialogue among open science practitioners at multiple scales, from individual researchers to country level.
Digital knowledge identifiers were recognized as a way to maximize the benefits of knowledge sharing.
As for next steps, the following actions were highlighted as priorities through the discussions of the Group: Identification of good characteristics of existing knowledge sharing platforms, including ways to promote and support multilingualism; Identification of ideal criteria for open and interoperable systems, as well as the ways to illustrate effective interoperability and coordination among knowledge-sharing platforms at multiple scales...."
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