DOAB and OAPEN jointly selected for second funding cycle SCOSS | OAPEN

Items tagged with oa.scoss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-12-05


DOAB and OAPEN jointly selected for  second funding cycle SCOSS The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) has selected OAPEN and DOAB for its second funding cycle.  SCOSS is appealing to institutions invested in Open Access and Open Science - academic institutions and their libraries, research institutes, funding organisations, national and regional governments, international organisations, learned societies and service providers to consider helping support one or more of the selected services through a three-year commitment. SCOSS was formed in early 2017 with the purpose of providing a new coordinated cost-sharing framework for enabling the broader OA and OS community to support the non-commercial services on which it depends. In its pilot funding cycle, more than 1.5 million euros have been pledged by more than 200 institutions worldwide to help secure the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and SHERPA Ro/MEO. Apart from OAPEN and DOAB, the second funding cycle includes the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and OpenCitations. More information can be found here: SCOSS encourages supporting both DOAB and OAPEN since they are closely interlinked and share the same goal to support the transition to OA books and to increase trust in OA book publishing. [...]


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pkp scoss funding doab oapen opencitations

Date tagged:

12/05/2019, 12:50

Date published:

12/05/2019, 07:50