OpenEdition Freemium for Books: A Sales Offer for Libraries and Institutions - OpenEdition

Items tagged with oa.scoss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2013-10-11


"October 30, 2013, OpenEdition launches a new sales offer to distribute 1,000 humanities and social science eBooks from 25 publishers. This offer allows libraries to pursue an acquisitions policy that both encourages the development of open access and respects the needs of teaching, research and learning communities: no DRM or download quotas are applied. A range of advanced associated services make it easy for libraries to integrate the eBooks into their catalogues and bibliographic search tools. Two modes: book-by-book acquisition or packages It is possible to acquire books individually, or as part of packages. OpenEdition’s selection of books for thematic packages is transversal and covers the whole of the OpenEdition Books catalogue. The acquisition of one or several packages enables libraries to benefit from a preferential rate in relation to books purchased individually. Two licenses: long-term or annual access Long-term access enables libraries to create book collections for permanent conservation without usage limits. Libraries are entitled to conserve the PDF and ePub files of purchased books. With annual access, libraries can offer users books acquired individually or as part of a cheaper package. The library automatically acquires permanent access to the book or package after four years of uninterrupted annual access ..."   


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Date tagged:

10/11/2013, 10:01

Date published:

10/11/2013, 06:01