Arcadia supports Redalyc and AmeliCA in its endeavor to advance diamond Open Access

Items tagged with oa.scoss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-08-17


"The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEM) awarded $3.6 Million grant from Arcadia – a charitable of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin – for Redalyc and AmeliCA. The project’s purpose is to reinforce, expand and strengthen the current efforts of this initiatives so to advance diamond Open Access within a framework of science as a global public good through the consolidation of an Open Infrastructure for capacity building, visibility, discoverability, quality assurance, technological development and sustainability of diamond OA publishing that yields more equitable and inclusive participation in the communication of science."  


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.redalyc in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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Tags: oa.arcadia funding redalyc amelica latin_america americas

Date tagged:

08/17/2022, 12:50

Date published:

08/17/2022, 08:50