The success of OAPEN and DOAB in Primo and Summon | OAPEN – supporting the transition to open access for academic books

Items tagged with oa.scoss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-02-17


by Ronald Snijder The OAPEN Library and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) aggregate open access books and chapters, and make them globally available through several channels. We work together with many organisations, among them Ex Libris. Ex Libris – a subsidiary of Clarivate – is a provider of library services. One of their products is the Central Discovery Index (CDI) describing many scholarly and academic sources. When the same content is available through several platforms, CDI deduplicates these records into one unified merged metadata record. It is available for libraries using Primo and Summon. The metadata of the OAPEN Library and DOAB are indexed in CDI. Recently, we received a usage report from Ex Libris, describing how libraries worldwide interact with DOAB and OAPEN through their catalogues. We are happy to see that more than 1,500 libraries or library consortia have been using the open access books and chapters we provide. To better understand the global impact, we used the Open Alex API to find the countries where the libraries reside, and we found organisations in 118 different countries. [...]    


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oa.primo oa.books oa.aggregators publishing metadata doab oapen

Date tagged:

02/17/2023, 07:36

Date published:

02/17/2023, 02:36