OAPEN & DOAB POSI self-audit | OAPEN – supporting the transition to open access for academic books
Items tagged with oa.scoss in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-05-04
by Laura J. Wilkinson
It is with great pleasure and sense of achievement that we share with you today our POSI self-audit for OAPEN & DOAB (download OAPEN & DOAB POSI self-audit PDF).
As you may know, OAPEN and DOAB are separate but interconnected infrastructures for open access books, governed by the OAPEN Foundation and DOAB Foundation respectively. In practice, our small team of nine people works with both systems on a daily basis. But since the two organisations have different governance, we’ve carried out a self-audit for each. We hope you agree that seeing the two self-audits side-by-side helps to compare and contrast the ways they operate.
https://oapen.hypotheses.org/524From feeds:
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