‘The arXiv of the future will not look like the arXiv’ | Jeff Pooley
Items tagged with oa.arxiv in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-03-28
Alberto Pepe, Matteo Cantiello, and Josh Nicholson, in their arXiv paper calling on arXiv to overhaul itself:
Disclaimer: This article has originally been written and posted on Authorea, a collaborative online platform for technical and data-driven documents. Authorea is being developed to respond to some of the concerns with current methodology raised in this very piece, and as such is suggested as a possible future alternative to existing preprint servers.
The paper doesn’t mention that Authorea is owned by Atypon, which itself is a subsidiary of publishing oligopolist Wiley. All three authors are affiliated with the Wiley-owned platform.
Which begs the question: will the arXiv of the future be nonprofit?
https://www.jeffpooley.com/2022/03/the-arxiv-of-the-future-will-not-look-like-the-arxiv/From feeds:
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