State of Open Monographs Series: Crossing the Rubicon - The Case for Making Chapters Visible - Digital Science

Items tagged with oa.crossref in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2020-07-06


"However, progress in the decades after appears to have been less dramatic. Some might even argue that this tremendous legacy and wealth of metadata experience has acted as a weight, and has slowed progress. Nowhere is this lack of progress clearer than in the discovery and analysis of book chapters: approximately one-quarter of books published per year has chapter-level metadata, and about two-thirds of books don’t have a persistent and open identifier, ratios that have not significantly changed over the last ten years.... Crossref and Metadata 2020 are collaborating to produce arguments for why publishers should move from book-level metadata to chapters. They’ve been working with representatives from the scholarly community, including both small and large presses, not-for-profits and university presses.... Here we present 7 reasons why publishers should collect chapter-level metadata: ..."


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Date tagged:

07/06/2020, 09:39

Date published:

07/06/2020, 05:40