The PDF is not enough: why science needs open formats - University Library
Items tagged with oa.ojs in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2022-11-04
"In the project period from 2019 to 2021 , the project bundled modern publishing as part of the Hamburg Open Science (HOS) initiativeMany years of experience at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the Hamburg State and University Library (SUB). The goal: The development of a socio-technical system for single source publishing, i.e. for generating different output formats from one source format. It was based on open source solutions such as GitLab and Open Journal Systems (OJS) to enable an open alternative approach to the publication of scientific results compared to commercial and proprietary publishing offers....
Former team members of the project have created the Single Source Publishing Community (SSPC)founded. This focuses on scientific writing and publishing with open tools and formats and is a meeting point for researchers, lecturers, publishers and developers. Under the motto "Collaborate more, compete less", the active members of the community exchange ideas in their monthly meetingson current developments in their projects and discuss strategies for cultural change in the field of scientific publication....
Numerous open-source tools favor the desired sovereignty: software projects such as Open Journal Systems, Viviliostyle, Paged.js, Swapfire , FidusWriter, HedgeDoc, quartoand last but not least pandocare combined in different ways in the community projects to create alternative open systems.
Many projects use the Markdown format as a source, to generate complementary versions of PDF in the form of HTML, JATS/XMLand create EPUB. The latter offer the advantage that they retain the semantic labeling of the information they contain and thus open up a wide range of possible applications in automated text mining processes. At the same time, the usability and reach of published scientific findings increases...."
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