ORCID US Community Consortium Celebrates 200th Member! -
Items tagged with oa.orcid in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2023-07-06
"We are delighted to announce that the ORCID US Community consortium, which is the largest ORCID community of practice in the world, recently signed its 200th member in July. Formed in 2018 by four existing consortia in the US with 88 members, the community had 100 member organizations in late 2018 and now celebrates doubled growth. Lyrasis serves as the US Community consortium lead in partnership with the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and the NorthEast Research Libraries (NERL). The ORCID US Community will be celebrating this exciting milestone at their upcoming community showcase webinar on Wed., 20 Sept., 1-2pm Eastern Time; all interested parties are invited to register to attend."
https://info.orcid.org/orcid-us-community-consortium-celebrates-200th-member/From feeds:
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