PKP is Hiring an Operations Director | Public Knowledge Project

Items tagged with oa.pkp in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-11-26


"We are excited to announce that PKP is looking for an Operations Director to oversee the long-term success, sustainability and vision of PKP. A somewhat new role, the position will report to the Executive Director of Research Operations of the Office of the Vice President, Research and International (VPRI) as part of PKP’s current transition into a University Core Facility at Simon Fraser University. It replaces the existing role of Managing Director, and will work closely with PKP’s Scientific Directors and Associate Directors. This full-time continuing position will direct and manage the operations, finance, and personnel of this research and development initiative in scholarly communication, and will work hand-in-hand with PKP’s Scientific Directors and the senior PKP leadership and operations teams to ensure that our mandate to support Open Access to scholarly research continues to succeed. ...."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.pkp in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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Tags: oa.canada pkp jobs labour

Date tagged:

11/26/2021, 09:12

Date published:

11/26/2021, 04:12