Extending the Open Access using Extensions: Freeing Scholarly Communication from the Walled Garden | Zenodo

Items tagged with oa.zenodo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-12-29


Abstract:  IFLA/FAIFE strongly advocates intellectual freedom as the basis of democracy and the core of the library concept. The spirit and philosophy of Open Access are in sync with FAIFE owing to its visible role in sharing intellectual freedom for building information democracy. The present paper is dedicated to the new and emerging technology-driven tools for researchers and academicians to access or discover OA research more easily and effectively. The main focus of the paper is to introduce to the readers about the various technology-driven tools for effective and immediate Open Access (OA) research discovery. Under this objective, mission and services of the OA discovery system CORE has been explained. Another powerful tool for OA discovery and dissemination is OA Button which comes with the collaboration of unique service tools like, InstantILL, DeliverOA, EmbedOA, OAsheet and shareyourpaper. In addition to the above two tools, this study further discusses two more stand-alone tools namely, Dataverse and Zenodo. These tools are mainly familiar with their data archiving policies. Testing the features of these tools and describing their utility and application reveal that they can help the users as well as libraries in making effective use of OA resources without any delay while also enhancing the visibility of such scholarly resources.  




12/29/2021, 04:34

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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » Items tagged with oa.zenodo in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP)
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oa.tools oa.oa_button oa.ifla oa.faife oa.discoverability oa.dataverse oa.core zenodo

Date tagged:

12/29/2021, 09:34

Date published:

11/07/2021, 04:34