Journals only half the story, says new open access alliance | Times Higher Education (THE)

Items tagged with oa.orfg in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2019-05-30


"Open access advocates are calling for a globally coordinated approach to “scholarly infrastructure”, saying knowledge is trapped behind paywalls and Europe’s Plan S initiative solves only part of the problem. Lobby groups around the world have teamed up to run a stocktake of existing infrastructure and to direct spending on future needs, under the guise of a new alliance called Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI). Co-founder Ginny Barbour said IOI was a “separate but necessary” initiative to Plan S, which is focused on making journal articles openly accessible. “Journals are largely owned by a relatively small number of for-profit publishers, and the same is happening for infrastructure,” said Dr Barbour, director of the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group...."


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oa.plan_s oa.infrastructure platforms orfg scoss paywalled open_source_software ioi_notice

Date tagged:

05/30/2019, 11:26

Date published:

05/30/2019, 07:26