Good Practices Primer - Preprints (community generated).pdf
Items tagged with oa.orfg in Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) 2021-12-12
"Among the key issues that will inform an organization's approach to preprints are the following:
Deposit location. Where should researchers deposit their preprints? Is it sufficient to share via a personal or university website, or will the policy require deposit to a trusted, open repository? If the latter, which repositories will be considered? Accepted repositories may differ by discipline.
Quality and Impact. Since preprints are not peer-reviewed and often have no citations, how will program staff and reviewers assess their quality and impact for grant applications and reporting?
Incentives and Evaluation. How will preprints be incentivized and counted in grant applications and reporting? Will they receive less or equal consideration compared to journal articles? How will the policy deal with preprints that do not end up being published in a peer-reviewed journal?
Sensitive/Restricted Information. How will the policy deal with preprints in fields such as medicine, where information released prior to peer review can be sensitive or even restricted? Several preprint servers do not accept preprints of a clinical or medical nature.
Discoverability. How will potential readers discover preprints? Depending on where these documents are deposited, they may or may not be indexed by services like Google Scholar.
Licensing & Reuse. How will preprints be licensed? Will the policy focus on free to read access, or also reuse rights (including, but not limited to, text and data mining) of preprint content?
Publication: While many journals accept preprints, some do not. How will the policy deal with cases in which grantees want to publish in a journal that does not support preprints? The percentage of respected journals in a field accepting preprints may vary widely by discipline...."
12/12/2021, 10:36From feeds:
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